Accounting & Duplicate Books

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Accounting & Duplicate Books


Whether you work from home, as part of a busy office, run a small company, or are part of a large business, keeping copies of any commercial transactions is a legal requirement. The HMRC uses this information as part of the tax system. Those copies can be an invaluable resource if you find yourself in the unenviable position of having your data audited. However, duplicating copies of essential documents, invoices, and receipts can take time, which is where our range of duplicate invoice books comes in handy. Whether you need receipt books, petty cash books, duplicate books, or even triplicate books, we can help you stay on top of those all-important details.



Old-school duplicate books


Traditionally, duplicate books consist of three sheets of paper: the one you write on, the carbon paper, and the sheet that the writing is transferred to. The key to the process lies in the carbon paper in the centre of the sandwich. This is a paper or plastic sheet that has been coated with dehydrated ink. Pressure from a pen or pencil on the uppermost sheet presses the ink into the lower sheet, creating a duplicate of the original penmanship. However, while that form of duplication is still used in offices worldwide, duplicate invoice books, petty cash books, and receipt books have continued to evolve.



What are NCR duplicate books?


Because many businesses are keeping a watchful eye on their carbon footprints, we offer a selection of No Carbon Required (NCR) options. Instead of using waxy paper coated in dry ink, the first page of NCR duplicate books is made from paper with dye built into its structure. The result is that there's no need to insert the carbon paper between the sheet you want to write on and the page on which you want the duplicate to appear. Instead, you can write directly onto the first page, safe in the knowledge that any amendments, notes, dates, or signatures will be clearly replicated on the sheet underneath.



Duplicate books to make life easier


Because accounting for transactions is a complex and detailed process, we offer a superb selection of pre-printed duplicate invoice books. From receipt books to petty cash books, these provide the user with clear and defined forms and sections to fill in. Not only does this make the process of recording what's come in and what's gone out that much easier, but it also ensures pinpoint accuracy should you need to retrieve those forms.



Triplicate books


If you need additional paperwork copies, our triplicate books tick all the right boxes. These work in the same way as duplicate books, except that the two sheets below the first are infused with a compound of ink and clay to ensure that what's written on the first page is transferred to the two underneath without any loss of clarity or definition. Clearer than their carbon-based cousins, these are also NCR books, which not only help you do your bit for the planet but help to save time when you're making multiple copies of a single document. Sales invoices, packing lists, and even petty cash requests can benefit from being triplicated, ensuring there's no doubt about what has happened, when, and the details involved.



Petty cash books and receipt books


While petty cash books and receipt books might seem incongruously analogue in the 21st Century, they do come with their advantages. The most obvious is that duplicate entries in receipt books aren't subject to unforeseen problems, such as power outages. On top of that, they don't require any passwords or IT training to use, and they can't fall foul of the viruses and scams launched by unscrupulous hackers. In addition, sometimes, it can be better to have an NCR copy of a document than a scanned, digital copy. On those occasions where you absolutely need to verify that a duplicate or triplicate copy has been taken from the original, using these books can ensure that there's no doubt involved.  

In addition, using receipt books to keep tabs on your business and commercial transactions ensures that you have a long-lasting record of your finances. While the cloud offers accessible storage for data, all it takes is an unpaid subscription, power failure, or operator error to see all those important facts, figures, and signatures disappear into the ether. Having hard copies stowed safely away ensures that you always have access to those documents, whether you've suffered tech problems or not. With product descriptions accompanying each of the duplicate and triplicate books on your website, you should have no problem choosing the ones that best suit your needs. 

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